Monday, June 20, 2011

Wizard World Philadelphia Day 2 Report June 18, 2011

Wizard World Day 2!

Alright so get ready for a lot of fun stuff from day 2... it was crazy busy! I got to the event around 1:30. I would have arrived earlier, but my friend was supposed to come with me, but kind of bailed on me due to a migrane (boo!) So I was alone on day 2, but I managed to find a lot of my friends. I stuck with my friend dressed as Stay Puft all day and hung out a lot with the Philly Ghostbusters. Highlights from day 2 had to be Zombie Gumby (you can see him in the video), Stay Puft dancing (also in the video), the Wolverine photo bomb, and getting to see a lot of my friends. Oh and Bruce Campbell wearing a white suit and bow-tie...yea.On Day 2, I had 2 costumes, my first costume of the day was Claire Bennet from Heroes, you know, Save the Cheerleader, Save the World! I heard that a lot!

So again we basically walked around and just talked to people. I was excited to see how many people dressed as Doctor Who characters because last year there were only about 5 of excited more people are dressing like the Doctor! The best part was actually trying to get around the convention because when your friend is dressed as Stay Puft, you can move about 1 foot and stop another foot and stop...mainly because of people taking pictures. My friend actually won the costume contest and people were chanting 'Stay Puft Stay Puft' right before they announced best in show. I told him that there was no contest because he had to win the contest...his costume was epic...and if you are wondering, it took about 22 roles of white duct tape alone! He was also really excited when Sean Patrick Flannery stopped his 3 hour waiting line to run out and get a picture with the Stay Puft man (also in the video). He also got a great picture with the two kids from Walking Dead.

Around 3:30/4:00 I changed my costume to a Glee Cheerio, but people were still calling me Claire, so I changed back to Claire...ughh! Its ok, but I did not care which I wore, just giving the people what they wanted! I walked downstairs and they were doing some really cool photoshoots so I jumped in on a couple of the female cosplayers pictures and heroes vs villans that was fun. My post today is going to mainly consist of pictures. So enjoy the pictures and see you all later!

Stick around Day 3 comes out tomorrow!!

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