Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Quick Update

Hey everyone!

First of all, Yes I am still alive! Sorry not too many updates...I tend to not do as much movie set stalking in the winter as it is really cold and not too much is shooting anyway. If a big shoot does come, I will try to visit it at least once anyway.

The Bradley Cooper / Robert Deniro film, Dark Fields has been retitled Limitless. They came back to shoot this past week, but I heard that filming was delayed because of illness (phillychitchat). They were shooting a new ending to the film. Props to HughE Dillon for going out in the cold for some amazing shots of the cast filming. Check out his update for more information HERE
The photo below is also HughE Dillons

So if anything else happens in the area filming related I will be sure to let you all know! Stay Warm!