Sunday, December 11, 2011

Philadelphia's Running of the Santas 2011

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So during the downtime between film shoots in the city I figure I will just post some things about fun stuff I do in this city. Since the holidays are rapidly approaching, I figured I would take part in this year's Running of the Santas with a friend of mine.

Of course, I supplied the Santa costumes for the event and tried to look as festive as possible. We arrived at Finnegan's Wake Bar around 4pm after walking around the city for a little while. There were over 2000 drunken Santas awaiting their trip down to Festival Pier. Everyone in attendence was dressed in their best holiday costumes. I was suprised to see many Buddy the Elfs, my favorite Christmas movie is of course Elf. One 'Santa' even had a beer tree, yes a beer tree. As soon as it was time to start the three block trip down to Festival Pier, many of them started off running, but people kind of slowed down due to heavy drinking I suppose. It was really enjoyable to watch. We went into Festival Pier for about fifteen minutes, but people were too drunk and ridiculous, so we ended up leaving and going to enjoy ourselves downtown which was way better than getting crushed under creepy Santas and half clothed Santa Babys. All in all, the event was really something to witness and the run itself was the fun part of the day.