Sunday, November 6, 2011

Key West - Fantasy Fest 2011 Experience Part 1

I know you guys love to read about my crazy adventures so I figured I would tell you guys a little bit about my most recent trip to key west for fantasy fest this year. If you follow me on twitter you probably saw a lot of my insane pictures and live updates from the trip, but I would love to share some stuff with people who are just visitors to the blog. In case you have never heard of fantasy fest, it's basically a week of Halloween for adults... Lots of fun! I got into key west on Tuesday the 25th of october and stayed until November 2. Each night of fantasy fest there are all different events and people usually dress up (or get painted) according to the days events.

On Tuesday night, my first night in town, everyone wears plaid because it is plaid night. Because I think plaid is the devil, I decided to go with a less traditional approach and wore a Dorothy costume. I didn't stay out too late on the first night because I was tired from traveling all day. I did manage to see a few great get ups though. The second night of the trip was red night... And the entire town came out once again wearing (or not wearing) their best red, again I got creative and went with a crazy looking glee cheerleader. The main feature of fantasy fest is just seeing the incredible things that people decide to wear and just the sights in general.

I was amazed at the woman in the photo below. She told my friends and I that she was a grandmother! Can you believe that?!

Here is the footage I got from Red Night

The next night of the trip was toga night. This time I decided to add an extra Ga to toga... I was toGAGA! Creative right?!! I was mainly impressed with my makeup skills, although it was a pain to get off. I went out with a friend of mine, he was going for the roman look I think. The corset was really bugging me so I changed into a Jem costume. My friend and I stayed out until about 3am just watching people slowly loose their sanity with alcohol consumption!

While going out the next day, as i was riding my bike, i noticed a lot of police activity on the next block over from the house. There was even a CSI truck. Apparently a man was beaten over the head with a rock just about an hour after My friend and I came home the night before. Literally a block away from the house. I don't think they ever caught the guy that did it, but the victims body was shoved under a delivery truck.
In case you were really wondering what else I do during the day time...well here is some footage we took right before the walking parade:

On Friday afternoon there was a walking parade where everyone just walks in costume. I decided to dress as a mermaid since the overall theme this year was "aquatic frolic".

After the parade, I decided to change into my best costume in my opinion, Justin bieber. We went into the hard rock cafe where they were having a party, even though only about 6 people were there. We decided to turn it into Justin biebers private party and a woman decided to whip me for being bad or something. Always entertaining.

After we left the small gathering, we continued to walk and I was just acting crazy like Justin bieber, I really get into my role! I even took a picture with a drag queen while in drag as Bieber!

Stay tuned because the second half of my adventure will be coming out tomorrow!

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